Make it better because it is what you make of it. Smarter ways to make it better is a contemplative and active process. When you “Smarter Ways to Make It Better and Less Dysfunction With TRIM”
Garden Tips, Tasks, and Seeds for Sale – 15 Minute DIY Series 2020
I love it when someone asks me questions about gardening because it brings more to light for me too. I have to recall names, methods, “Garden Tips, Tasks, and Seeds for Sale – 15 Minute DIY Series 2020”
Better Perspective and Less Bias
It was pretty, but not so much with the new look you are loving. That way used to be the best way but is it “Better Perspective and Less Bias”
Seed Collection and Life Lesson – 15 Minute DIY Series 2020
This hollyhock seedpod is visible and filled with seeds. While trimming a ragged looking snapdragon, I noticed seeds spraying from brown, dried blooms and I “Seed Collection and Life Lesson – 15 Minute DIY Series 2020”
Soul Much Better and Less Disconnect – 15 Minute DIY Series 2020
Take 15 minutes during your day to be still (whether every day, thrice a week, or even just once ever) to become “soul much better”! “Soul Much Better and Less Disconnect – 15 Minute DIY Series 2020”
Process of Becoming and Arriving Better
We are in the process of becoming, so go forth energetically! Today you may be less clear about how details matter or what important developments “Process of Becoming and Arriving Better”