information platform for any joy seekers, freely! I do earn 🙂 from Amazon purchases if you first click through my links at Amazon or one “I Love Creating This”
Lifestyle: How You Want to Feel, Go With Better and Less
Choices throughout the day for better diet, fitness, experiences, and work habits can translate to less ailments such as heartburn, stiffness, fatigue, boredom, and burnout. “Lifestyle: How You Want to Feel, Go With Better and Less”
My Prayer and with Gratitude, My Plan
This past few days, and in the next few days, I am thinking about 2025 and strategizing maximum prayer and gratitude. I love January!!! It “My Prayer and with Gratitude, My Plan”
Mindful Activity Today
Sometimes disparate areas of life hinge and open inspiration. With Daily bible verses read before meditating, I enhance my plan for the day to expand “Mindful Activity Today”
Natural Elements in Yiayia’s Clubhouse
Huge pinecones from Mom that nobody wants will be perfect. I tried selling and giving these unusually large items away. They will be thrown into “Natural Elements in Yiayia’s Clubhouse”
Just Start: Apothecary Log
How many times has this happened? You don’t quite know everything that needs doing, but once you begin, it all becomes apparent. Just dive in “Just Start: Apothecary Log”
War in the Garden, Aggressives and Invasives
Oh my! I declare war in the garden!! There are grape vines climbing on bushes and up a tree in MY beautiful space! They are “War in the Garden, Aggressives and Invasives”