Choices throughout the day for better diet, fitness, experiences, and work habits can translate to less ailments such as heartburn, stiffness, fatigue, boredom, and burnout. Small steps in the right direction is all that it takes. Well, maybe it’s not quite that simple. Today I explored “ease” as one path and “with difficulty” as another as prompted in a meditation. Choosing the easy path is sensible but we often go the hard way with roadblocks of perfectionism, criticism, and doubt. The idea here is to consider just going the easy way, calmly, quietly, and confidently.
For example, my inner saboteur has so many questions – why maintain a blog? Blogs are passé, I have nothing to say, it certainly would be EASY to not do it at all. However the path of least resistance to get to How I Want to FEEL happens when writing my thoughts, recording my successes so that I can repeat them, practicing writing sentences and poetry, staying in a “tech” lane ….. and so on. The benefits are clear. I just have to put a lid on all the boiling nonsense and get cooking.
Better and Less

Your lifestyle can naturally align with how you want to feel. We all have choices every day. If we take time to recognize these throughout the day and then to act on them based on how we want to feel, the ebb and flow of well-being is magnificent. Why then do we get caught up in questioning our abilities, choices, and fortitude? Let’s instead stay aware of the lifestyle of ease and follow that though with our thoughts and actions. Better path, less resistance. Better diet, less processed, salt, sugar. Better physical fitness, less weakness. Better mental fitness, less MOOAM (mountain out of a molehill). Better experiences, less distraction. Better work habits, less procrastination. Better ease and enjoyment, less dissatisfaction. This is the lifestyle I am following, for how I want to feel – Better and Less.
Time to quit editing, forget perfection, and hit “publish” for this post. It is scary at times to just go forward and ignore all the pessimistic “wisdom” the brain can conjure up. Darn, it takes commitment to stay on the easy path to feeling good. What are some of the mountains worth climbing in your life? You’ve got this!!!