This pandemic is on everyone’s mind. News and updates and lockdowns and shutdowns and statistics and market reactions are reported continuously. Fear and anxiety is “Feel Better and Less Fear”
Category: Simple DIY
Take action to feel better. Transform. Refine. Innovate. Master. New hobbies, creativity, and learning with simple fiteen minute projects for a better day!!
Perceptive: I Can, I Will, I Keep Evolving – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2020
We have the power, to be better, to be balanced naturally, better equipped and less destructive, to be kind both to ourselves and others, to “Perceptive: I Can, I Will, I Keep Evolving – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2020”
Focus for Better Results Part III – Build Your Inner Coach – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019
Build your inner coach and focus on process rather than the goal, for better results! As a followup to the original suggestion to use the “Focus for Better Results Part III – Build Your Inner Coach – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019”
Secretly Simple, Starting Houseplants – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019
Natural Touches that are So Simple to Maintain Starting houseplants (aka Propagation) can be so simple, even for beginners. Nudge yourself to do something different “Secretly Simple, Starting Houseplants – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019”
Focus for Better Results Part II – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019
Why is it so hard to focus for better results? As a followup to the original suggestion, regarding the 4 D’s, “Do, Delegate, Dump, and “Focus for Better Results Part II – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019”
Stewards of our Environment – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019
Being good stewards of our environment is not simple and requires overcoming overwhelm and changing behavior. It is best to take small steps and take “Stewards of our Environment – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019”