Consider well being when planning a bucket list for the upcoming year. First take time to reflect and review, and your best life will be “2019 Annual Review and 2020 Well Being Bucket List”
Tag: Journey
Regret, Feeling Over It, Falling Back In Love With Life
Regret is an awful feeling, it can even physically hurt. There is important work to do, including healing activity before you can fully reclaim or “Regret, Feeling Over It, Falling Back In Love With Life”
Should I make a Change, All About Get To vs. Have To
Should I make a change? I seem to be doing better. Eureka! I was nailed (in a good way) yesterday using the phrase “get to” “Should I make a Change, All About Get To vs. Have To”
Secretly Simple, Starting Houseplants – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019
Natural Touches that are So Simple to Maintain Starting houseplants (aka Propagation) can be so simple, even for beginners. Nudge yourself to do something different “Secretly Simple, Starting Houseplants – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019”
Journey: Go on a Grow. Live Your Best Life
Can you hear that whisper? That one, filled with love and truth, telling you to change, to grow, do something specific, to go on a “Journey: Go on a Grow. Live Your Best Life”
Pray Over It – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019
I made a quick right turn to pop into a garage sale and 15 minutes later I am back on my way home with a “Pray Over It – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019”