Consider well being when planning a bucket list for the upcoming year. First take time to reflect and review, and your best life will be “2019 Annual Review and 2020 Well Being Bucket List”
Category: Positive Thoughts
Hey Joy Seeker! Here are doses of positivity to live better and with less trauma and toxicity. Define who you are!!! Claim gratitude and good spirit!!
Beginning of More Light. 2020 Plan, Hope, Gather
Saturday was Winter Solstice, the shortest day of sunlight of the year. Therefore, yesterday was the beginning of more light, to continue on into 2020! “Beginning of More Light. 2020 Plan, Hope, Gather”
Why the Nature Habit Is So Beneficial
Turning to nature can become a habit. Before you make a big decision, walk outdoors. Duck out of work and family meetings for a moment “Why the Nature Habit Is So Beneficial”
12 days till Christmas 2019, How to enjoy holidays.
How are you doing? So busy, how to enjoy the holidays, is a problem sometimes. My list has been longer than the number of hours “12 days till Christmas 2019, How to enjoy holidays.”
Making Excuses and How You Want To Feel and BE
Zip ties on extension cords? Who in the world puts 3 zip ties on a small string of Christmas lights, and is saving half dead “Making Excuses and How You Want To Feel and BE”
Regret, Feeling Over It, Falling Back In Love With Life
Regret is an awful feeling, it can even physically hurt. There is important work to do, including healing activity before you can fully reclaim or “Regret, Feeling Over It, Falling Back In Love With Life”