Choices throughout the day for better diet, fitness, experiences, and work habits can translate to less ailments such as heartburn, stiffness, fatigue, boredom, and burnout. “Lifestyle: How You Want to Feel, Go With Better and Less”
Tag: Lifestyle
My Prayer and with Gratitude, My Plan
This past few days, and in the next few days, I am thinking about 2025 and strategizing maximum prayer and gratitude. I love January!!! It “My Prayer and with Gratitude, My Plan”
A Poem, Prayer and Easy Living
What is your favorite spot, when are you most peaceful? Mine is perfect for writing a poem, prayer, and easy living. Have you equipped the “A Poem, Prayer and Easy Living”
Favorite Natural Cream with this 15 Minute DIY
With a reusable little jar and your finger and two ingredients you too can have a natural cream solution that I think you will love. “Favorite Natural Cream with this 15 Minute DIY”
Building Grit by Doing
Building grit is a path to success. Doers build grit. Saturday it was important to get gas, to be ready since dad had a low “Building Grit by Doing”
Use this Boredom Hack to Reframe and Create
Hack at boredom by getting busy. Reframe your thoughts and you might just create some magic. It is natural to at first hesitate, and avoid “Use this Boredom Hack to Reframe and Create”