Practicing to compose poetry, to paint, to expand my gardens to include an arboretum, to develop my righteousness and be like Noah, building in rocks of fairness and justice and faith, these are some of the ways in which I am in training. I am like those new trees in my back garden, straining against the wind but changing moment by moment, growing stronger.

Growing Stronger
The wispy sapling willows do blow, to and fro, to and fro. From this they grow stronger, Loving life, to live longer. Adversity meet "faithful resilience". Rock solid foothold for any fence. Take this moment and chance, Train for whatever your dance. Focus not on the hardship, The rainbow comes after the trip. Be righteous like Noah given a task. Always work to accomplish His ask. Ask yourself, do you have good work in progress? Are you learning, practicing, and training? God's purpose for you, as you grow stronger, will unfold.