Love Me Some Essential Oil!! Diffusers and essential oil are wonderful. Adding drops of essential oil to coconut oil to rub on my skin literally “Essential Oil in a Drawer or Closet – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019”
Category: Simple DIY
Take action to feel better. Transform. Refine. Innovate. Master. New hobbies, creativity, and learning with simple fiteen minute projects for a better day!!
Bring it In, Bring Nature In – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019
Nature is the Place to Jam “Bathe in a forest” where the sights, sounds, textures, and scents are restorative and in abundance! On a walk, “Bring it In, Bring Nature In – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019”
Focus for Better Results – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019
Why is it so hard to focus for better results? The answer is that in so many areas of life, less of something is the “Focus for Better Results – 15 Minute DIY Series, akTRIM 2019”
Become a plant person, LOVE it forever, easy DIY
No green thumb? Not creative? Need a new hobby, a revitalization of downtime? This Key to Project Success Series is about adding some beauty, zip, “Become a plant person, LOVE it forever, easy DIY”