Without Fail, Simple Solutions

Simple solutions to all of our needs are right here, right now, for us. Will we accept?

When the solution is simple, God is answering.

Albert Einstein

Like April showers bring May flowers … God. Simply. God.

simple solutions

Slow down to connect to nature. Smell flowers and the essential oils emitted from trees and plants. Touch blades of grass, the bark of a tree, a stick, look at the beauty. Cool your feet in a stream, in the grass, on wet pavement, on the ground. Listen to the rain, the wind, birds chirping, animals scurrying. Breathe the fresh air and the beautiful scents. Chew on, rub on, herbs and flowers that you have identified as edible, beneficial. Experience joy and calm connecting with nature.

Hello! Have you missed me?

connect for simple solutions

I have not posted since just before November 2021, the last month of Dad’s life. it has been six months since I posted. Dad has gone to spend eternity with Mom and so many others. Will I finally get back on track? Maybe I will never want to write again. Mourning is not easy. When Mom died I never mourned because Dad was quite ill the entire year following. Then when he died, one year after mom, the dam broke.

Listening for Simple Solutions

I got a pedicure yesterday, pretty rare for me. Quiet, not sharing, I really was just there for the leg rub and cute polish. My new nail gal, Kim, was chatty. She teared up about losing her mom five years ago and told me how it took so much out of her. Her mom was special. Her mom told her when she knew she would die, “I accept God’s plan.”

I’m working on that acceptance, the simple answer came from Kim’s mom. In the meantime, I will feel and view the warm sun shining through the River Birch as I listen to the “wira wira wir wir wir” and the “sheep sheep sheep” of the birds. A cool breeze brings sweet scents of black locust my way. I have a poultice of chickweed from the garden on my hand healing my rash, drawing out the dry condition.

Hopefully simple solutions and connection answer your needs today too.

2 Replies to “Without Fail, Simple Solutions”

  1. Pingback: Cultivation Prayer for the New Year - Negativity. Less Please
  2. Pingback: Open for Magical and Cozy - Negativity. Less Please

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