Seeds to Grow

Seeds to Grow

Different flower varieties have seeds that vary in needs for germination. Zinnias are a simple flower to grow from seed. Compared to many other varieties that have low germination rates or require very specific conditions, zinnias will easily and quickly sprout. Not only are the flowers gorgeous with a multitude of petals and colors, but they make great cut flower arrangements as well. The more you cut, the more they bloom. It is so easy to collect the seeds in the Fall, so you will have more seeds to grow.

zinnia seeds to grow

Sometimes we need to be more like a zinnia! We need to sprout and bloom. My tennis partner today twice reminded me to smile! I must have looked dead serious. I was tired from greek festival weekend. Like a zinnia … it was easy to “sprout” a smile. It was easy to respond to a grin from her. The more I smiled, the better I felt and the better those around me felt.

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7

Love is another simple “flower” that grows from seed of a cheerful giver. Rather than staying on auto pilot, what can I bring to this moment to make it fuller? Nature certainly is a model with beauty, grace, sweetness, activity, noise, change, and growth amidst disease, decay, threats, and death.

Seeds to Grow

Trilling birdie, cheep tee ha
Cheep tee hah, tweet.
Sweetly as I see
Yellow butterfly petite
Fluttering by and by

Oh the slight breeze
Touching tall grass
Heavenly moments
Yet things shall pass
Sway, return, sway                 

Rustle of each leaf
Along the driveway
Seasonal jubilations
Lord bless this day
Ground each safely 

Simple seeds to grow
Zinnias and Marigolds
Blooms of goodness
Smile, deepen love holds
More begets more

There are hard and awkward moments of truth, and in life, when like the leaf we are in free fall. Gratefully, universal gifts of beauty and love abound and are just one seed, one smile away, possibly bringing more love and happiness to each of us today!


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