Enjoy it while you can, before you can’t ….. this first hit home when I learned to accept my vision condition. I have floaters that are squiggly lines and black dots, creating a veiled view. At first it gave me anxiety about continuing to play tennis. Can I adjust to this challenge? What will it be like as the sun sets, when it is overcast, or when playing indoors and the lights are not bright like sunshine. Now when I am on the court, it is such a blessing to be playing tennis. I have gratitude because I can still see the ball, not perfectly but hallelujah, it is neon yellow and I can see it!
Then, I fell on the court (again, uggg, third time in the last few years) a week ago. My head, butte and wrist remain bruised. My wrist is holding me back. It is really inflamed. All sorts of important chores are impossible now such as planting trees in my “arboretum”, getting the gardens ready for Fall, and carrying pots in to overwinter. I can’t garden right now. Hopefully soon I can do more.
“Enjoy it while you can, before you can’t” is the lesson hitting home once again. There are so many things I have procrastinated on that now I am more eager to dive into, because I CAN! I have a new excitement for organizational and creative projects when I use this new “I can” approach. I am not feeling burdened or lazy or anxious, I feel grateful.
As the leaves fall from the trees and the damp cold winds chill us all, change is coming. Hunkering down in the winter to take on important projects likely will be made easier with this new “because I can” attitude. You never know when injury, ailment, or even death will get in the way.
Gratitude because I can accept invitations, go on adventures, and work at home
Heads up while you still can! Last chance before plants die back. When you see a beautiful patch, pull over to the side of the road and grab some goldenrod to make a tincture for allergy and cold congestion. People think this plant causes allergies but it is actually ragweed that does that. This plant can help with allergy symptoms.

Hubby is suffering so I enlisted him to select which vodka I should use so I could make him some medicine. That was my way of introducing this somewhat synthetic kind of guy to the idea that this natural remedy was for him. It was the right moment. He was disgusted with the over the counter meds that were causing sleeplessness and tension. Well, he just said sleeplessness, but trust me he was intensely CRABBY. This will be done in 30 days and was so simple to make. A scant teaspoon a day during rough periods and life will be so much more tolerable. Plant “magic” is real and there is so much more to learn with gratitude because I can.
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