Where is the switch? Why can’t I just turn on happiness. Why is finding joy sometimes endangered, fleeting, and mysteriously hard to call up? Other “Finding Joy in Activities”
Reacting to Life
Sometimes there is no sign. Reacting to life, there is no option but to remain down…for the moment. I was on a hike, we stopped “Reacting to Life”
With All My Love To Love, Be Loved
Said it before and I’ll say it again with all my love just like my mom did many times, “people are no damn good”. Since “With All My Love To Love, Be Loved”
Two Words To Change Life
Reflect and consider where you are at on your “Misery to Merriness Meter” and the cause of that. What are 1-3 words to move into “Two Words To Change Life”
How To Experience Mindfulness Moments
Enjoying time for personal reflection, I find wonderful support from articles on psychology, from Eastern Orthodox spirituality, reading about the Lives of the Saints and “How To Experience Mindfulness Moments”
To Be Free
“We can all be free, but only if we learn to assign paramount value to what we can control (our motivations and reactions), treat what “To Be Free”