Today I hope that there is a strong cool breeze where you will magically find your strength, and even though you may be helpless, you may yet still feel powerful.
I love so many of the conclusions and pervasive thoughts of young adults. My sweet children ranging from 29 to 34 often teach me such beautiful attitudes, ways of thinking and doing, and reasons to nurture ourselves and others to be happy, content, and calm. For them it is their default approach, which they explain to me, so kindly, with gravitas.

“The birds just got their fair share, mom”, said sweet Melly. My elderberries planted only a year ago already had one bloom, only one, but I was excited and watched it for weeks. And it turned into berries!!! Wait where did half of them go? Without any netting, I was helpless to stop the foraging. Well yes, and, there are still plenty of elderberries left to make a super simple tincture. DYI FYI: Avoiding the stem (toxic), put berries into a jar with ginger root (all I had on hand was ginger paste so threw that in) cinnamon stick and vodka. Keep in a dark place, shake from time to time for a month. Medicine for much and many, so powerful.

Nourishing all the things; flora and fauna, health, careers, passions, and relationships, and bringing more time to that which is right with me and with you, with each other, is powerful. All is well. No worries.
Significantly, adding emphasis to relationships, to looking in on each other as well as ourselves, was a plea from a son who lost his Father tragically “please help someone in need today … it could be yourself”.
Knowing that I am sometimes helpless to control other’s actions and choices, I still can choose the power to love well, rather than confront or RUN! God’s will is powerful. LOVE all, with humble demeanor and assured presence, with gravitas.
Nourish yourself, value your interests, look for peace and well-being in this moment, and know that although there are many many things outside of your control, you are powerful, you are enough, you are perfectly perfect. Feel the breeze.