Maximize Productivity, Study and Harvest

Maximum Productivity from Problems

It does not take any study at all to lean into God’s love when your faith is deep. Turning troubles and problems over to Him, sometimes 14 times during a day, sometimes only once in awhile, I simply pray “Our Father, who art in heaven…” When I begin to worry that is my cue to let God have this problem to solve.  It is not for me. Maximum productivity from problems, in life decisions and activities will result with this strategy.

Today I need … would like … to do so many things.  How will I possibly? Today I worry …. am concerned for …. so many situations, predicaments, ailments and afflictions. What can I possibly do?

Water the front beds, water the newly planted trees and bushes in the back five. Post to my blog.  Put together Mom’s memorabilia for her celebration of life service. Pick up video and guestbook.  Visit dad to watch video and layout memorial tablescape. Make fruit salad and cook banana bread, squash, ham, and potatoes.  Have family for dinner.  Strip and store already harvested Rosemary, rose hips, coriander seed, yarrow leaves, oregano. Research and harvest Reishi mushroom discovered in the back 5, and this one below, unidentified.

Maximize Productivity, Study and Harvest

Maximum Productivity

It’s ok, God has my back.  I will live my life with less fret and worry because there is a plan, it will unfold, and I am ok.  God’s love, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is my medicine, sustenance, solution, strength, mindful experience, connection, prayer, joy, and source of all beauty in life. 

  • faith
  • trust and connection
  • love
  • respect
  • words and deeds

My faith is rock solid.  I am super spiritual.  However, my words and deeds can falter.  Study is good to prompt action in my life. For example, to take communion, as Jesus established. Actions and words to demonstrate God’s love as a human is an ongoing, purposeful endeavor. Today I will work my list, mindful and accepting of the beautiful flow. Maximum productivity from problems will be achieved as I look to God. Creative solutions, forks in the road, will be accepted as they present themselves. Say YES!

What were those three books that Father Peter recommended yesterday? Also, I want to listen to him again. My computer has no volume and now the video won’t load. Moving on to other things, there will be time to come back to this. I am in the flow, not in control, finding maximum productivity from problems.

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