Simple DIY Tracking Goals

Simple Goal Tracking, feel Productive, 15 minute DIY

To feel productive, goal tracking is a worthwhile endeavor. Reflecting on important areas for your time and efforts is eye opening. Really, what matters most for your satisfaction, well being, and legacy? Consider where you are and where you want to be in areas such as career, finances, health, spirituality, attitude, self, family, romance, co-workers, or other important areas for you.

The simpler the better when it comes to achieving a goal. If there were one thing that you want to get on track for, what would that one thing be. What is in the way and what are the vital few activities that could generate progress toward where you want to be? Keep references to this visible with art, notes, and cues everywhere. Identify, celebrate and nurture your talent reminding yourself of possibilities. Keep lists. Delete and add for 15 minutes daily. Share, connect, and wear this “heartgoal” on your sleeve. Stay Positive. Never stop learning.

Recap Goal Tracking

  • Simple.
  • One thing.
  • Vital few activities.
  • Visible.
  • Nurture and celebrate.
  • Keep lists.
  • Share positivity.
  • Learn.

I now track three productivity goals, it can actually be more than one thing! Writing this I realize time has passed, and progress has been made. I need to go back to my journal, revisit gaps, and make sure I am on track with all that my lists are prompting, because they are keeping me b-u-s-y! It is the activities, and the processes, that will keep me headed in the right, purposeful, and intentional direction. Busy, is not always productive, from a “heartgoal” perspective.

This is why I love to write! As I circle back, I am excited to revisit gaps and goals and get some cues up visibly for myself. I will get my lists to emphasize activities that feed my soul, my heartgoals. What matters shifts throughout life. We are blessed to be able to choose a good track each day.

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