Is there a universal slump or is it just me. Granted I am just getting better from a cold that lasted a bit over a week but truly so far 2024 feelings and January are a blur and I can hardly believe we are into February.
So many people are ill, fighting colds that don’t just last a few days but last over a week or even for several weeks. Mine was brutal not just in length, but also that feeling of overall fatigue.
Weather, Waste, War, Whatever
Then there’s the weather that is swinging from unusually cold to unusually warm, to unusually wet. Cah-ray-zy high winds sweeping through my backyard, taking down large trees several times in the past few years, are not just at my house. Storm classification categories are being considered as inadequate. They may add one higher than the current worst storm designation. Blown away, completely blown away.
Evidence of waste and destruction are everywhere. How can a household produce 3 huge bins of trash, EVERY WEEK, I wonder as I pass by. These are my neighbors, just one family. How about those huge plastic containers that greens or grapes come in, so wasteful! Bottled water is unnecessary in privileged areas where it is decadently plentiful. Dumping, spewing, leaking, spraying, leaching, destroying, smoking, ing, ing, ing!!!! ing, ing!!!
Warring, fighting, targeted killing now with drones, and in so many places. How many wars and disputes are going on? Territorialism. Terrorism. Terror. Terrible tribulation.
Pride and integrity are wholly MIA these days in politics and politicians. It seems. Are there any countries with happy, balanced leadership and constituency? I bet there are. I can imagine them. How lovely.
Economic concerns are showing up as many of us wonder if/when recession might happen here. Other countries struggle financially making my personal assets …. a fortune.
Cultural upheavals that absolutely defy the core of my spirituality? I turn the other cheek, I feel nothing but love for all.. but I do resonate with what Abba Anthony said, “A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him saying, ‘You are mad, you are not like us’.”
Spiritual Warfare, 2024 Feelings, Forgiveness
Recently I read a story about Sapricius and Nicephoros that pushed me to collapse into forgiveness. I have held a list of hurts for 3, 5, 10, even 50 years. Devastating betrayal is not my burden/trauma to carry. If God forgives all, shouldn’t I? Don’t I want to please God, and live my life here on Earth as I will in Heaven. Heavens YES!
There is a universal stain, strain, disdain and profane injustice of “free will” attacking God’s creation of natural beauty and harmony, so perfectly organized, so readily destroyed. God gave us freedom of choice but did add, “Thy will be done”. Love and live “The Lord’s Prayer” for constant support is my humble effort.

Although I feel the ever present discord, I can leave that to God. If I can in any way say or do something to right any wrong, I will do that with love. I will try not to wrong any rights! It is a good idea to start and end my day with prayer, to fill my day with beauty and good works already planned for me. I am open and remain hopeful.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians 2:10