This past few days, and in the next few days, I am thinking about 2025 and strategizing maximum prayer and gratitude. I love January!!! It is cold and dreary outside, the gardens are at rest. Thank goodness! I need a break. I am inside for a very brief month or two and time will fly by so I must get at it! What is “it”? With time to reflect, I can develop a vision and plan.
First I reflect on the year prior. Looking through my calendar and photos, I write a list of major events in my journal, of the year. How well I did achieving goals is considered. I meditate to find a word that encapsulates necessary activities ahead. Do you have a word that inspires you? It acts as a filter, a reminder. Sometimes I forget my word after a month or two but it still has done the job of getting me on track. I am excited about my word for 2025.

Gratitude and Prayer
His incessant support, Obvious and reliable presence, Perfect understanding For this I am thankful I pray my children know They are one soul, one body Numbered by God With infinitesimal comfort. I pray for their health All aspects of well-being. Quiet peace And pleasant joy. I pray they skirt temptation. Unsuspected traps, plots Blowing up any and all good By it, not by choice I pray they find solace Success from moderation Wherever excess is damaging Pray guidance and sway
So onward my sweet friends and fam. God Bless us all and to all stay true!