Zip ties on extension cords? Who in the world puts 3 zip ties on a small string of Christmas lights, and is saving half dead strands? Aha, the love of my life. I could say “Scrooge” this!! Instead I find humor and am merry. My love will not be my excuse for quitting. Making excuses to trick myself into getting the job done, I snip those ties and I meticulously replace many little bulbs to even make a strand of stars work again, somewhat of a miracle really.
Messages from Faith, Family, and Famous
The sermon December 8, 2019 was about making excuses. In part, don’t neglect to serve others because of some excuse, in fact, use excuses TO serve others! Jesus healed a human, ignoring the “day of rest” excuse, and using the excuse we feed and care for animals this day. Don’t we?
My mom taught me from very young to trick myself into getting work done even while watching TV. Use the excuse, I’ll just vacuum this one room. I’ll just get it out and plug it in the first commercial. By the end of the morning, all was done on my list.
We can “Mary Poppins” everything with a spoonful of sugar, to make the medicine go down. I light candles, play music, make tea …..
Adapt, remain open to try new things.
Use this excuse to be willing: How will today be different?
Look for simple solutions.
Dive deeply into complexities with meticulous process.
Don’t let anyone else define you.
Our intentions as well as others perceptions are THE perfect excuse FOR action.
BE you.
Say yes, take steps, with goals in mind.
Trick yourself, make excuses to do and to act, whether for your own personal development, for work at hand, or to serve others. May days be merry in the last few days before Christmas and throughout the New Year. You are able to do many things. Making excuses, can make or break you. Use excuses to hit goals, to feel and be how you want to feel and be.
“We have more ability than willpower, and it is often an excuse to ourselves that we imagine that things are impossible.” ―François de la Rochefoucauld
Stop Dreaming Start Doing is a good looking canvas to take a look at.