How do they get away with packaging lettuce in large disposable plastic containers? Why do people buy disposable plastic bottles of water for regular consumption? How is it legal for junk mail to continue to exist when it goes straight to the trash?
- Reuse. Bags, packing, and wrapping materials…well the list here is endless.
- Repurpose. “Trash” can become useful solutions. Think plastic lid, perfect plant plate.
- Resell or Give. Garage sales, give to thrift stores, great apps to sell online.
Simple and interesting options to be a better consumer, to protect our environment
For example: Salvage used wrapping paper by rolling up a bigger piece to reuse as wrap again and by cutting the scraps into useful tags. This is better for the environment than buying more wrapping items. It is financially sensible while soothing to methodically cut and organize. Finding a use, purpose, or home for things other than the trash heap is valuable for many reasons. We all know this. What are we doing to reduce our footprint?
Evaluating what is on hand and how to use it is rewarding. When I read that you can add banana peels to blended smoothies I was skeptical but game. What I found out is that it adds palatable texture and bulk for this hungry tree hugger who has an almost daily smoothie at lunch.
Eat The Peel
Eat the peel.
Yes, for real
Derail your loss
No need to toss
Less to garbage.
Better we manage,
To make the most
Let's consume or compost.
Peels in the blender
Why not render
A banana protein shake
I dare you to make.

AAAAaaaaannd I might have gone off the deep end. Hubby is shocked! “Eat the peel? You have got to be kidding me!” Calm yourself I tell him. As I get older there’s less care about appearances, more exploration, and very intentional behaviors, not always mainstream.
The good news is that even he has come a long way. He takes a reusable bag into stores with him now. He helps keep the recycles separate from the garbage. Even small things like reusing a dish, opting for a dish rather than disposable, covering a dish with a lid rather than saran wrap and dividing things to make them last… he is making a difference AND he let’s me be as craycray as I can dream up. Did you know you can reuse coffee pods for a weaker but still good second cup? Better yet, there are refillable pods.