Yesterday as I pulled this old post for a rewrite I accidentally emailed the original very short version to subscribers. Oops! Sometimes tinkering creates a new problem, that is for sure. Still, it is a great inspiration to “fix” old posts. If you didn’t notice there was a 2019 date on it, when I had a broken ankle. No worries, my ankle is fine now.
However, now I am “tinkering” to minimize, correct, and live with an entirely different set of maladies. Why me? The wacko Western medicine approach is to just place the blame on my age. So I am proactively moving beyond acceptance and woe is me to suck it up and look for natural remedies. Contrary to Edison, equally inspired and/or perspired, are genius results. Say I.
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. ~ Thomas Edison
There is often a solution to a problem. Simple solutions, “simpolutions”, are everywhere when we open our minds, get physically moving and let the beauty stream in. Creativity may be the beginning. Curiosity can be fruitful. Positivity about possibilities certainly overcomes the stagnation experienced in negativity. “Oh, that will be perfect for that!” Realizations turning trash to treasure are dangling within reach. Like the Pringles lid that makes a perfect dish for a small houseplant. These “plant dishes” come in all sizes and are free!
Creativity is rebelliousness rooted in usefulness, usually comes in the standard deviations of your emotions, it’s inherently disruptive and opposite of convention and comes from fringe thoughts. ~Unknown
Many fun solutions come when I dig into work. Avoiding a project? It is fertile for solutions. Avoidance is often due to challenges, dilemmas, fear, or roadblocks. Get curious as you dig in. What are the sticking points? Turn those into opportunities. Let new ideas percolate. Pivot.
I have two zillion photos to organize. It is so overwhelming. The how and the massive time and the desired result, the worthwhileness of even undertaking this job all swirl as questions in a sentimental tornado threatening to pull me in.

This is a one chunk at a time project. Just keep looking through. Float ideas about which pictures to organize first, and how they can be organized. How about those nice photo boxes? Yes!! Yay!
I sorted a majority of the loose immediate family pictures into those photo boxes and gave them to my four kiddos all here for a birthday party. Laughter and sharing memories became a sideshow and birthday boy hubby was like hey today is about me! Anyways, that was a start and surely a simpolution will guide another step. Open to possibilities, there will be so many spin off ideas to do with particular photos! Hold those thoughts though and clear that room before guests come!
Rather than beating yourself up from what you are not doing, appreciate and celebrate the things that you are doing. When you shift your focus away from what you do not want, you can create a vision for what you do.
~ Unknown
Tinkering to filter my daily actions is beneficial. I do not sidetrack with time wasters. What are my plans and goals today? What are the RIGHT actions? Get in the flow with my movement and my mind and great things, the right things, will transpire. As soon as I publish this I will plan out the rest of my day. Love love love getting into flow almost as much as I love tennis, writing, art, family, God, and gardening! Byyyee!!