Mobile Love Check-in for Yourself, for Everyone

“How’s your heart today? How’s your heart in relation to your dream?” Great questions I pondered earlier this morning. Alignment, anchoring to my soul, integrity, purpose, accomplishment, success, and well-being are all heartfelt. Are we checking in as we navigate life? With mobile devices we carry our digital world with us everywhere. Let’s not forget…. our hearts are ever present too! Are our words, thoughts, and actions aligned with our heart, or do we forget to check in, do we act like we left our heart at home in the way we treat ourselves or others.

At church, the kids’ sermon perfectly expanded on my morning meditation. 🙂 So …. I add …. that not only is our heart as present and available as our digital world, but we must be prepared to set that digital world aside sometimes to ensure we make room for love, kinship, and community. We have to be intentional throughout the day to be aligned with our heart, to see beyond our device screens, and to channel loving kindness. Give yourself compassion and attention, give it to everyone. How’s your heart? Your dreams?

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