Sometimes disparate areas of life hinge and open inspiration. With Daily bible verses read before meditating, I enhance my plan for the day to expand it for mindful activity today.
A warm corner, cozy chair, and fleece blanket me. A special coffee is deliciously almost free. No waiting in line to hand over $5-$10. Feet on an ottoman, a pillow behind my back, and daylight gently coming in on either side of me. What else can I tweak to improve this calendar day?
Writing, tennis, and gardening are on the agenda. Enhancement of my cathartic composition is in progress. Ethereal connections are possible in this moment as I plan the day ahead.
Match time is at 11 this morning. It will be warm enough, a beautiful day. Surrounded by trees and greenspace, an occasional train will be so loud that we will not be able to hear our opponents call the score. There will be moments I remember this gift of my body and its sight, movement, and strength. Amazing. Will it be windy? I hope so.

Mindful Prayer
Hoping for wind while I am there
Family, health, for any care
Let it sprout into a prayer
Morph quickly from yellow to seed
Now dandelion pappus indeed
Blow! Dear God will heed
Home again home again, albeit sweaty and hungry! No leisurely lunchtime reading today. Smoothy and go. The garden is screaming. Fall blooming iris needs pruning. A volunteer cherry tomato plant has grown twelve feet in every direction. Harvest yes, then do I yank it or just prune to leave more blooms less green. Some perennial plant favorites that are not hardy here need potting up to bring in. Which pots to use? Stylin’ time to prune it just so and add a little beaded adornment. ahhhhhhh. Every yoga like bend, every creative decision, each task to clear and organize is laced with a flow that is restorative. I am not there yet, but I know it will be like that because it always is.
Dinner with hubby too. Only home three nights a week, evening time together is …. kinda fun. LOL. Heading to our 40th anniversary, wait, what, BAM! That was easy! Ha! Thanks be to God. Always there for me.
Mindful activity throughout my day, is a better way of living. I got nuthin’, nuthin’ but gratitude and Glory to God!