Fresh Lavender for Lavender oil

Just Start: Apothecary Log

How many times has this happened? You don’t quite know everything that needs doing, but once you begin, it all becomes apparent. Just dive in and begin tearing things apart to sort, regroup, and improve through your actions. I have several projects I need to just start, launch and complete. Today I will record my first entry into an apothecary log.

Apothecary Log

I will benefit from beginning a log of all apothecary activities. I have a three ring notebook set up with pockets and dividers and blank sheets to gather resources and write materia medica information for my favorite herbs. This will be the perfect place to maintain a log, to record chronologically all steps taken in my many contacts with plant material with medicinal purpose.

An Apothecary Log Solves the Mystery

Previously, random unlabeled tinctures have stumped me. I thought I would remember such a marvelous concoction I made but nope, it’s a mystery. I am better at remembering to label them now, most of the time. A log will be a great reference to know what I have, from when, rather than physically sorting through ALL OF THE BOTTLES. Herbs drying on a plate, what are they again? Hmmmmm. I need a system.

Loving my lavender oil so much but this summer when I made it I added too much alcohol and it is not as fragrant. Probably it is less beneficial as well. This is what prompted me to begin a log. The solution came to me! I will record great successes, failures, lessons learned, herbs harvested, methods, tips, trials, and outcomes. Next time I will take heed and limit the alcohol. Apothecary log record 1: ONE TEASPOON, not a whole shot!

dried lavender buds

Gotta run. Time to make a new batch of oil and log it. With recently propagated plants that have grown so much foliage but no blooms, I can add some dried buds to the chopped up fresh leaves. This is an example of a trial to record in my apothecary log. It may work or it may fail. Time and a record in my apothecary log will tell. What project will I start tomorrow? Did you start anything today?

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