Huge pinecones from Mom that nobody wants will be perfect. I tried selling and giving these unusually large items away. They will be thrown into the back five to decompose, but not yet. For now, using natural jute twine, I catch the bottom scales of each one, and tying a loop at both ends, I hang this display on two cup hooks screwed above on a slight diagonal. It is a chandelier of sorts. Sorta what we are looking for, Stassi and I. Last week we decided we are decorating the lower level of the playground fort area, that Papou built 30 years ago, with natural elements.
As a gardener, between saved supplies and chores to clear gardens, decor “reuse and au nature”, will be free, creative, and fun. Last week my sweet granddaughter scattered rose petals all over the clubhouse floor. The week before they were on long stems leftover from Theo and Thea Abbey’s wedding, and were tucked here and there by her. The ever changing possibilities for natural elements are limitless and can be literally swept away as desired.
Thrifted items too will find their way out of the garage . YAY! I knew I wanted THAT for some reason. A sturdy crate is perfect for a table or seat as desired. Slightly cracked (but unnoticeable) plastic stained glass ……. Is perfect hanging down to catch the sun. Hammer, hammer to set the small nail and voila! GORgee-US!
I am taking my time all afternoon. No hurry, nowhere I have to go. On this beautiful 70 degree sunny day, on my little acre, I am doing, creating, walking, transporting, planting, and clearing. It is cleanup and harvest time. Happy Fall Y’all!!
Better There than Here
Oh I better cut these tall stalks of Black-Eyed Susans. I don’t want them to go to seed here, at the gate by the pool, where the theme is seashells. On the other hand, they are ideal for our new outdoor reading/lounging/snacking space of a clubhouse.
It all began with two wire baskets , kind of a chicken wire design. Found different times in the goodwill bins, these weigh nothing so they were about a dime each since you pay for a hand selected load by weight. After each was placed on the playground decking, a new hangout was “obv”. One basket is a cute mailbox shape. The other is a small floor receptacle and today it is an ideal place to hold the Suzy seed stalks, beauty for us, food for the birds, to decompose and leave seeds to sprout around the decking. Of course!
All of Those Natural Elements
All afternoon things fall into place as I rip out plants and pull down vines and imagine possibilities. Harvests of veggies, herbs, seeds and assorted collections go in the house. I methodically pursue creating future garden displays, propagating plants, and clearing weeds, dead plants, and spent pots and plants. Garden trinkets are gathered and stored away till the spring.
Oh my. Lamb’s ear is taking over here in my kitchen herb garden after just two seasons “postpinch”. Shhhhhh! Quietly, I pinched a start from Gaga’s new plant at her house while I was babysitting. Hey, it was naptime and I have to stay busy and productive. It was thriving, so I told myself, don’t ask, she will say no, she’ll never know. Hehehehe.

Trying to pull out parts of it now is not easy but I succeed. Among other attributes, Lamb’s Ear is a sensory plant for children and all to touch. One start I transplant along the hangout decking, and a second one can go in a winterproof pot. There are two of these charcoal gray pots. One was empty. The other has sedum. They were just waiting for something, hanging out by a worktable yonder. Moving them to a special purpose is exciting!
And so it goes, from time to time throughout this beautiful November day, inspiration hits me, and Yiayia’s Clubhouse gets another feature. The amenities are lovely. Stassi and I are working on a name. It may stay Yiayia’s Clubhouse (“The YC”) or maybe we will figure out something clever. Any ideas?
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